Fees & Policies

You must pay to be officially registered.

You are considered to be officially registered if you have met the following criteria:

  • Paid in Full ($0.00 balance)
  • Pending Financial Aid (as shown in your student account)
  • Officially enrolled in the Deferred Payment Plan
  • Sponsorship Letter on file and any remaining balance paid in full

A tuition refund shall not be made except for the following circumstances:

  • A 100% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws prior to the first day of the academic semester as noted in the college calendar. Also, a student is eligible for a 100% refund if the class in which the student is officially registered fails to "make" due to insufficient enrollment.
  • A 75% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class(es) prior to or on the official 10 percent point of the semester.

Should a student, having paid the required tuition for a term, die during that term (prior to or on the last day of examinations), all tuition and fees for that semester may be refunded to the estate of the deceased. This is state policy as stated in the North Carolina Administrative Code, Chapter 23 2D.0202.

Accounts must be paid in full. Failure to pay accounts in full may result in the following:

  • You will not be able to register for subsequent curriculum or continuing education courses
  • You may not be able view grades
  • Your account may be turned over to the North Carolina Department of Revenue and South Carolina Department of Revenue for collection from your state tax refund
  • As a final measure, your account may be turned over to a state approved collection agency

Past due balances are not subject to payment plans or other payment arrangements. Any balances not paid in full within 90 days are subject to the above mentioned collection procedures.

See contact information and hours for the Collections Services Office.

Students enrolled in the automotive technician, basic law enforcement training, cosmetology, dental assisting, dental hygiene, industrial plant maintenance, machining, medical assisting, motorcycle mechanics, associate degree nursing, practical nursing, tool and die making, and veterinary medical technology curriculums will be required to purchase special items of apparel and/or equipment, such as uniforms, lab jackets, tools, gloves, etc. Most of these items may be purchased in the college Bookstore.

Certain risks are inherent in any work involving regular contact with mechanical and electrical equipment. While stringent precautions will be taken to ensure safety, it is felt to be in the best interest of all students to provide some measure of insurance protection. All students in healthcare and personal service programs must have malpractice insurance.

The college will maintain a group policy providing insurance protection, and all students will be covered. The cost of accident insurance to the student is included in the student fee for curriculum students. International students are encouraged to secure more complete coverage.

A $10.00 malpractice insurance fee will be charged each semester for curriculum and continuing education students enrolled in applicable programs (maximum fee of $30.00 per academic year). For questions regarding the malpractice insurance policy, please contact the Business Office.

Breakage, damage, or loss due to student negligence, carelessness, or other mishandling of school supplies, materials, or equipment is the responsibility of the student. The student will be required to pay for such items and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Central Carolina Community College's Board of Trustees approved a $50 CAPS (Campus Access, Parking and Security) fee for all curriculum students to be charged each term. This fee supports the construction and maintenance of campus parking lots and roads. In addition, it supports campus security officers and alerts to ensure a safe campus.

Students registering for Curriculum classes will pay $35 during the Fall and Spring semesters, and $5.00 for the Summer term.

The student fee provides the revenue necessary for the Student Government Association to provide services and activities for the student body. Typically, the SGA provides the following benefits from the student activity fee: SGA calendar and handbook, parking stickers, Activity Days, dances, socials, guest speakers, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, as well as other events the Student Government Association might deem appropriate.

The computer use and technology fee is used to support the procurement, operations, and repair of computer and other instructional technology including supplies and materials that support technology. Curriculum students  will be charged $48 per semester. 

A $15 distance education fee will be charged for each course taken online via distance education.

Individuals representing college groups, clubs, or associations may solicit funds, in-kind donations, or engage in other types of on-campus fund raising activities only after receiving prior approval of the campus provost or the vice president for Educational and Student Support Services. Solicitation and fund raising by any "For Profit" individual or group is prohibited.

All college-affiliated, off-campus fund raising activities require prior approval of the campus provost or the vice president for Educational and Student Support Services and the college president.

A $5.00 ceremony fee will be charged to curriculum students each semester. This fee helps cover the cost of graduation and other ceremonies (degrees, diplomas, certificates, caps, gowns, honorariums, flowers, etc.)

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